10 Respiratory Health Awards Honor Outstanding Work

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Exemplary contributions to the field of respiratory health will be recognized with daily award presentations Saturday through Tuesday, May 14-17, during the ATS 2022 International Conference.

The Opening Ceremony, 4:30-5:30 p.m. PT on Saturday, May 14, will include the presentation of the Jo Rae Wright Award for Outstanding Service, the Public Service Award, and the World Lung Health Award.

On Sunday, May 15, the Award Ceremony will feature the J. Burns Amberson Lecture, the Edward Livingston Trudeau Medal, and the Distinguished Achievement Award at 4-5 p.m. PT.

The four recipients of the Recognition Award for Scientific Accomplishments will be the featured speakers at the Recognition Awards, 2:15-3:45 p.m. PT on Monday, May 16.

The Outstanding Educator Award, the Outstanding Clinician Award, and the Research Innovation and Translation Achievement Award will be given during the Plenary Session, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. PT on Tuesday, May 17.

A wall between the Poster Hall and the Exhibit Hall in the Moscone Center also will feature awardee names and photos.

This year’s recipients are listed below.


Courtney Broaddus, MD
University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, Calif.
Given in honor of a founder and the first president of the American Lung Association, the Edward Livingston Trudeau Medal is the highest honor bestowed by the ATS. It is awarded in recognition of lifelong major contributions to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of lung disease, critical illness, or sleep disorders through leadership in research, education, or clinical care.


Naftali Kaminski, MD, ATSF
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn.
Named for James Burns Amberson, an international authority on chest disease and tuberculosis, this lecture recognizes major international lifetime contributions to clinical or basic research that have advanced the fundamental understanding of basic, translational, or clinical approaches to respiratory disease, critical illness, or sleep disorders.


Francine Comi, BS
American Thoracic Society, New York, N.Y.

Meilan K. Han, MD, MS, ATSF
University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, Mich.
This award recognizes outstanding contribution to the advancement of the ATS mission through a single major accomplishment or a cumulative impact on the field. Awardees have substantially contributed to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of lung disease, critical illness, or sleep disorders through leadership in research, education, or clinical care.


Carolyn S. Calfee, MD, MSCR
University of California, San Francisco, Calif.

Erica L. Herzog, MD, PhD
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn.

Melanie Koenigshoff, MD, PhD, ATSF
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Irfan Rahman, PhD, ATSF
University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.
The Recognition Award for Scientific Accomplishments honors up to four individuals each year for outstanding scientific research contributions in basic or clinical arenas to enhance the understanding, prevention, and treatment of respiratory disease, critical illness, or sleep disorders.


Ilene M. Rosen, MD
University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Outstanding Educator Award recognizes lifetime achievements and excellence in clinical or research education and mentoring in the fields of pulmonary, critical care, or sleep medicine.


Adam Edward Lang, PharmD
McDonald Army Health Center, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Fort Eustis, Va.
The Public Service Award is presented in recognition of contributions to public and population health equity related to lung diseases, sleep health, or critical care.


Laurence Huang, MD, ATSF
University of California, San Francisco, Calif.
This award recognizes contributions to improving world lung health in the area of translational or implementation research, delivery of health care, continuing education or care of patients with lung disease, or related political advocacy with a special emphasis on efforts that have the potential to eliminate gender, racial, ethnic, or economic health disparities.


Lucas Donovan, MD, MS
University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
The Jo Rae Wright Award for Outstanding Science is a tribute to the work of early career respiratory health professionals. Aimed at tomorrow’s leaders in science, the award recognizes demonstrated potential for significant achievement and contributions among those who are beyond postdoctoral fellowship but not above the rank of assistant professor or the equivalent.


Colin E. Sullivan, MD, PhD
University of Sydney, Australia
The Research Innovation and Translation Achievement Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the advancement of respiratory research focused on specific innovations to improve health by advancing practice, policy, and health care delivery. Awardees may represent academia, industry, nonprofits, or government. Individual accomplishments are recognized along with the recipient’s role as a leader pursuing team science through collaborative approaches, both interdisciplinary and inter-institutional.


Shazia M. Jamil, MD, ATSF
Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, Calif.
The Outstanding Clinician Award recognizes a pulmonary, critical care, or sleep clinician who has made substantial contributions in the clinical care of patients with lung disease on a local or national level. Awardees spend 75 percent or more of their time providing direct patient care. Honorees also must be recognized by patients and families as a caring and dedicated health care provider and by peers as having made substantial contributions to the clinical care of patients with respiratory disease.

Make a Nomination

The ATS Awards Committee encourages nominations from all respiratory health disciplines and for respiratory health professionals at all stages of their careers. For more information about the Respiratory Health Awards and the nomination process, email [email protected].
